Monday, December 6, 2010

My favorite, least favorite and what can be Improved.

My favorite part of this class was the fact there was plenty of details about assignments. I liked that our assignments were always clearly explained and given to us early in advance so we had plenty of time to work on them. I also liked that the blog questions were very clear and sometimes fun to discuss. I did like reading peoples comments on my blog posts as well.  It was interesting to read about other peoples viewpoints. The second group assignment which was about talking about a social organization was interesting. I liked learning about a social organization, in particular, PETA really changed my view on animals and their rights. My least favorite part of this class was having to post blogs 12 hours apart. I did not like that because sometimes I wished I could have gotten all the blogs done all at once. I also did not like the third group assignment which was the "group faciliation paper." It thought it was difficult to get together with my group because we all had such a busy schedule. It was also a hassle to try and get people together to discuss the assignment. I think what can improved in this class is that the blog posts should have no time restrictions. Other than that, the class was great and useful.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! I also did not like the third group facilitation paper. It was very difficult for my group to establish a time where we could all meet up together as well as bring people in order to interview them and have the group discussion. I also liked the fact that the class was based on blogs. It was always very interesting each week to read various peoples opinions and discussions on the topics. I agree in that it would be much easier if there was no time restriction on the blogs, it was always hard that it had to be 12 hours apart.
