Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Concept that was Interesting

One concept that I found interesing  this semester is inferring and implying because we use it so often in our everyday lives. I could really relate to this concept because I imply things with friends all the time. According to the textbook Inferring and Implying is "when someone leaves a conclusion unsaid, he or she is implying the conclusion. When you decide that an unstated claim is the conclusion, you are inferring that claim" (Epstein 74). In daily conversations with other people we imply things. We assume that people know what we are talking about without fully explaining it. An example of implying is "I don't date fat people, therefore I would not dare Bob." I can infer that the person thinks Bob is fat. Sometimes it is best to be more upfront with people too. Another example of implying and inferring is "Jennifer does not like ugly clothes, therefore she will not shop at Kohls." I can infer from this statement that Jennifer thinks the clothes and Kohls department store are ugly.

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