Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Good Arguement

According to the textbook, there are three tests for an argument to be considered a good arguement. The first test is the argument's premises have to be probable. The second test is that the premises have to be stonger than the conlusion of the argument. The third test is that the argument must be valid.

Here is an example of an arguement : "Bob cell phone service provider is Verizon Wireless. But the other day he came in to work talking on his iphone. Therefore, Bob changed his cell phone provider to AT&T."

This argument is a good argument because most people know that AT&T is the only cell phone service provider that carries that iphone right now. The first premise is most likely true. But the conclusion could be false because perhaps Bob was using someone else's phone which happened to be the iphone. This arguement passed the first two tests I mentioned. But I am not sure if it passes the last test. The arguement is relatively strong but not very strong. There could be other reasons why Bob is talking on an iphone.


  1. I like your examples of phones and phone carriers. Since most phones have their own certain provider, we can pretty much tell what kind of phone carrier they are subscribed to. iPhone is a perfect example that many of us out there will notice that the person is under AT&T. Since iPhones are only under AT&T, many of us will be able to recognize that. In some cases, I agree, that Bob may not be the owner of the iPhone. This is something that I wouldn’t have thought of right away as an example. Great job on the examples and writing the post nice and clear for readers to understand it better.

  2. I like your example of the cell services that were provided but one thing that you can think about is that nowadays, people can be in any cell service and still have cool looking phones such as the iphone or the new android. With todays new technology, anything is possible, and thats the scary part. Overall, i like your example, keep up the good work.
